Causes, Prevention and Fixing of Paint Chalking
Chalking in painting refers to the formation of an amorphous powder on the painted surface as a result of chalking. As a result, the paint deteriorates and an unpleasant finish is created on the interior walls.
The powdery substance on your walls may make you to face an embarrassing moment in front of your guests if you have the powdery substance on your walls.
What do you mean by Paint Chalking?
On painted walls, chalking refers to the development of a fine powdery residue that is light-coloured and highly visible. There is an increase in the rate of this disease, especially on those exterior walls of buildings that are exposed to the outside air.
The phenomenon of paint chalking on exterior surfaces is not uncommon and has been observed for many years. There is a possibility that it can occur on both interior and exterior walls. As paint wears over time, the wear and tear of the paint are one of the main reasons why it chalks.
As one of the significant defects of paint, chalking is one of its most notable characteristics. Also, common paint defects are peeling, flaking, discolouring, cratering, blistering, frosting, and lapping.
What are some causes of Paint Chalking?
It is mainly the exposure of exterior walls to sunlight that causes the paint to chalk. There are two components to paint: a binder and a pigment. As a result of sunlight's UV rays, the paint's binder disintegrates and the pigment is separated.
Paint chalking is also caused by paint oxidation. As a result, the paint binder reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere, resulting in the paint showing up on the surface. The chalking of paint is caused by the simultaneous separation of pigments and the oxidation of paint at the same time.
The paint sheen becomes progressively duller as a result of the two processes mentioned above, and the paint film becomes gradually thinner as a consequence as well. As a result of the rain, the chalking paint is washed away, resulting in the paint becoming thinner.
What Effects Does Paint Quality Have On Paint Chalking?
There is a strong correlation between the quality of the paint and its ability to chalk. It is true that all paints will chalk eventually, but cheap paints will chalk more quickly than the more expensive paints. Paints that are expensive have pigments and binders of a high quality.
Paint requires high-quality binders and pigments since they are two of the main components. It is also important to consider the paint binder when it comes to chalking. Paints with oil-based bases oxidize faster than those with acrylic and latex bases.
Hence, you should use acrylic paint instead of oil-based paint to paint the exterior of your home. Painting with acrylic and latex is better than painting with 100% acrylic paint.
How Can Chalking Paint: Be Identified?
This type of paint chalking can easily be identified by the way that it appears. The first sign of it is the discolouration of the paint, and the second sign is a powdery substance forming on the surface of the painted surface, which is an indication that it has occurred.
You will be able to catch the pigment on your hand if you wipe the surface with your hand. A coloured cloth can be used as evidence if you do not want to use a coloured cloth. Use a cloth whose colour contrasts with the paint colour to make sure you are using the right cloth. If you want to paint with light coloured paint, use a dark coloured cloth, while for dark coloured paint, you should use a light coloured cloth.
What Is The Best Way To Remove Chalky Residue?
The best ways to remove any leftover chalky residue are discussed as follows
- It is possible to remove light chalking with a wire brush or by sanding the surface. After that, you should rinse the surface with water.
- If you rub a finger or cloth over a chalked surface, you will be able to determine how severe the chalking is.
- To bond with chalked surfaces, add a penetrating additive to the first coat of water-based paint if there is light to moderate chalk remaining. Compared to vinyl-acrylic paints, acrylic paints offer better chalk resistance.
- You can check the amount of chalk residue on the surface by using your finger or a rag to determine the amount that remains. If the old paint is in good condition and little or no chalk remains, priming isn't necessary.