What is Reinforced Cement Concrete?
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When a structural concrete is reinforced with a reinforcing material like steel it forms a composite artifact called the Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC). thanks to its complementary properties steel is usually used because the reinforcement. it's called steel reinforced cement concrete or just Reinforced Cement Concrete.
Reinforcing bars or reinforcements are the steel bars which are utilized in concrete. Two major grades during which reinforcement bars are found are low-carbon steel and high yield strength steel.
For every living person about one ton of structural concrete is employed because it the foremost common constructional material. aside from water no other material is employed in such high quantity. it's so commonly used because it are often molded into different shapes using suitable frameworks. A heterogeneous mixture of cement, fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate (boulders or gravels) and water is employed to make the concrete.
The concrete then solidifies into a robust mass as a results of hydration of cement. variety of additives also are wont to enhance the properties of concrete, properties such a workability, durability, time of setting etc.
Reason why ferroconcrete is best than Concrete
Even though the plain concrete is robust in compression, it's weak in bending. Cracks or ruptures develop when it's subjected to bending. it's due to this reason that plain concrete isn't used when bending takes place. When steel is added to plain concrete the lastingness increases as steel is hundred times stronger than concrete in tension, therefore, the bending capacity of plain concrete increases.
Uses of ferroconcrete
Structural members which could be subjected to bending is where ferroconcrete is employed . Reinforced concretes are used for building simple components like beam, columns, slabs, shear walls and foundations to heavy components like bridge piers, girders and dams. Reinforced cement concrete are often both insitu concreted or precast concrete.
Advantages of ferroconcrete in construction of structure
Concrete and steel bars: Since both the benefits of strong compression and an honest lastingness is presence in RCC it's advantageous for all cases.
Casted into any shape: To caste concrete into the specified shape, it's important to use fresh concrete which is within the fluid form.
Resistant to fire and weather: With proper cover RCC can withstand fire for 3 to four hours. With proper internal control and sturdiness considerations RCC are going to be ready to manage through all kinds of weather.
Maintenance: Concrete structures requires low maintenance after completion of labor as compared to structures made from steel and timber.
Availability: Since steel and concrete are common materials for construction, they're easily available and may be used for the preparation of reinforced cement concrete.
Economical: Compared to other material like steel structures it's an economic option.
Rigidity: As ferroconcrete are stiff; they supply good rigidity.